Pottering and our helpful neighbour

This morning I spent a few hours pottering in the shed making a reinforced steel base for the swimming pool handrail.  It’s going to be sent in concrete and needs to be substantial as it’s likely other people will “swing” off it getting out of the pool.

The handrail is stainless steel and I want the visible anchor points to be the same.  Galvanised and mild steel don’t combine well with water; particularly salt water.  Finding suitable threaded stainless steel rod was an issue.  I only needed 2 metres and that appeared to be a very small quantity.  Eventually I found an online seller who happened to supply sail components.


The angle iron is scrap steel from an old bench.  Apart from the four top nuts; everything in the above photo will be buried in concrete.

Meanwhile, Jan had noticed Wayne, our neighbour, was painting the short length of fencing at the front of the house.


Wayne informed me his wife, Fiona, had ordered him to do it.  When he protested explaining “It’s not our fence!”  Fiona explained that he was to be a good neighbour and look after the elderly couple next door.  Not wishing to push my luck with Wayne; I’ve decided to give the list of outstanding minor maintenance tasks to Fiona next time I see her. Smile

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