The Wall

There is currently a very funny Australian Ad running on TV.  It’s also available on You Tube which I’ve (hopefully) inserted below.  If you have a similar sense of humour to mine then you’ll see similarities with the current pandemic, Game of Thrones, etc, etc.


If the link doesn’t work then you can watch it directly on You Tube via <this link>

Of course this reminded me of the “other wall”.  The one Donald was building!  You might recall Mexico was going to pay for it.  Apparently that didn’t happen.

The US – Mexico border is 1954 miles long and there was 654 miles of wall when Donald took office.  During his four years in office 350 miles of existing wall was replaced and an additional 15 miles constructed.  That’s just under four miles of new wall for each year of his presidency or a 1.15% increase in total length.   Apparently the swamp didn’t get drained either!  I can’t recall one major achievement during Trump’s four years, which leads me to wonder why 74 million Americans voted for him in 2020?

Of course I only have time to muse over such things because it’s too darned hot outside to do anything meaningful! Smile

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