Slow Progress

A cool 24°C today enabling me to make a start on the last of the concrete kerbing.  With the excavation completed I installed some boxing before hand mixing 2½ bags of concrete in the wheelbarrow.  That only enable me to complete slightly more than 50% of the kerbing which mean I’ll need to buy another three bags.


Concrete from the red arrow to the left.

I decided to install kerbing here because the grass was growing in the corrugations of the fencing where the mower couldn’t reach it.  Even the whipper-snipper (strimmer) had problems cutting the long grass in this area.

Looking around for more work I remembered the 4x4 engine oil catch can hadn’t been emptied for some time.  Rather than going to the effort of removing the oil catch can bowl I use a large syringe to remove the oily sludge via the small dip stick hole in the top.


Another 40ml of oil and water that now won’t go through the engine.

The last task of the day was some more work on Jacques home.  The upper and lower shelves are now installed and I made four small pads from Jarrah hardwood to go on the base.  These will keep the plywood off the ground and hopefully extend the life of Jacques house.


Upside down view

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