A 30km drive north to Merriwa this morning. We went early as the temperature was forecast to be in the high 30’s. These northern suburbs of Perth are known for having a relatively high number of UK immigrants and we were on a mission to find some traditional English food. There is nothing special about the Merriwa community shops.
However we were looking for one special shop
The Yorkshireman’s Pie and Bakery
I acquired quite a taste for pork pies whilst we were living on Waiouru and they we quite easy to obtain. Finding one in Perth isn’t nearly so easy! Jan had obviously anticipated this because she bought a timber pork pie mould before we left the UK.
The young lady behind the counter asked if I wanted a pie with or without jelly. Why should I be restricted to only one pie?
I’ve already eaten the pie without the jelly and to be honest it was slightly dry. They are also smaller than the standard sized pies I remember buying in the UK.
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