Fishing and the Shower

Well I haven’t updated the blog in almost a week.  Very remise of me.  However I have a reasonable excuse as I’ve been preparing all my fishing gear for a day out with Ken down south at White Hill Beach.  The big day was yesterday and we enthusiastically left for the beach in his 4WD (beach access is 4WD only).  The vehicle was unpacked and we started seriously fishing.

The waves were about a metre high and I was in beyond the waterline attempting a cast when I noticed one of those larger waves approaching.  Having complete the cast I promptly attempted to back up the beach as fast as I could only for one foot to step backwards into soft sand.  Loosing my footing I sat in the wet sand only for the wave to wash up me to chest height.  Ken was most concerned for my welfare laughing his head off at my predicament!  He seemed to have forgotten I’d be going home in HIS vehicle.  Or maybe I was walking home? 

Well we fished for a good three hours changing both bait and rig.  All without a bite!  Finally I decided to try out the small plastic lures I’d purchased.  They look like small fish.  Well I immediately started getting bites and caught two small snapper.  Too small to keep and I didn’t get the lures back as they had been swallowed.  We continued fishing getting bites and undersized fish which we returned.

I’d taken the 4K video camera but in all my excitement failed to take any video.

Eventually we called it a day returning to Ken’s house where he kindly did some welding to the brackets I’ve made for the shower tent.  You may recall I originally tried gluing the bolts to the  brackets and when that failed Ken offered to weld them.


I’ve given them a clean with a wire brush before a coat of paint.

The brackets have now been fitted to the underside of the camper tent base


Ken’s welding has worked and the bolt heads didn’t rotate when I tightened the nuts.

With the brackets now installed I need to think of a method of securing the shower tent to the supports.  The shower tent needs to be directly under the camper tent in the travelling position and extended clear of the trailer when in use.

I have a length of steel flat plate and Ken has kindly given me a similar length of box aluminium.


I’m thinking of fitting the steel plate to the mounting brackets and the box aluminium to the shower tent.  between the two there could be a 1200-2400mm lockable drawer slide.  The side would be closed at 1200mm when travelling and pulled out to 2400mm when a shower is desired.  I’ll sleep on the idea.

Meanwhile I’ve started making my second small case from scrap Jarrah timber. 


This time I opted for blue felt. The glue bottle states it’s material glue, but it looks very much like woodworking PVA glue….. only more expensive!  I had problems cutting the felt on the first prototype and the end result was the edges looked slightly frayed.  I need to find a sharper edge.  Perhaps I can remove a blade from a safety razor.  This time I’m using magnets for the catch, but have two small concealed barrel hinges to secure the lid to the base.

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