
Looking for some work this morning I realised the 4x4 was due for an engine oil and filter change.  Well that’s not strictly true.  My habit is to do a filter and oil change in between scheduled services.  The logic behind this is the design engineers cleverly calculate vehicle life expectancy ensuring the vehicle fails just outside the warranty period.  The customer is then satisfied the vehicle was reliable and purchases a replacement.  The warranty on the Isuzu is five years but it is my intention to keep it for many years.  Replacing the oil and filter at twice the design rate is one of my strategies to achieve that.

Up onto the ramps went the Isuzu and then I jacked up the rear to install the stands.


Off came the bash protection plates to give access to the sump drain plug and the engine oil was drained.  Thus far the task wasn’t too difficult.

The next step was to remove and replace the oil filter.  It’s in an awkward location.


It was at this point I discovered the last filter had been fitted by Hercules Sad smile

Much puffing, grunting and cursing followed as I attempted various methods to unscrew the filter.  Eventually I unscrewed it, looking slightly battered (that’s both me and the filter).   I was about to refit the protection plates when I realised that might not be a good idea.  Better to fill the engine with oil first and check for leaks.  I haven’t forgotten the time on Waiouru when I managed to fill the engine bilge with new engine oil because I’d failed to check the old oil seal on the filter had been removed after I’d replaced the old filter. 

You may recall I refurbished the front door security grill which consists of a heavy metal grill with a finer metal mesh insect screen.  It’s almost impossible to see through the security door from the outside.  The interesting part to this story is Molly, Jan’s miniature dachshund.   A small dog with a loud and ferocious bark.  When someone unknown knocks at the front door Molly goes ballistic.  Jan will open the main door to the sound of a very angry dog.  Jan will then shout “Quiet Hercules!”  Of course Molly knows her name isn’t Hercules so she ignores Jan and keeps on barking loudly.  By this time the person at the door has taken three steps backwards and is starting to look concerned.  (hehehe…)

Great security system.

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