Neighbourhood Sex

 I’ll come to the sex part shortly.  First I want to finish the last blog post by explaining I completed the VSR wiring this morning.  The BIG question was “Will the VSR work?”

With the engine turned off the battery voltage was below the cut-in level of 12.9V.  Once the engine was started the alternator produced an initial 13.9V which steadily rose to 14.2V.  You may recall I disabled the ‘smart alternator system’ which tended to reduce the alternator voltage.

The next step was to check if the VSR had recognised the cut-in voltage.

Peering through the grill I could see the small Green LED indicating the VSR was connected.  Success!

Now to the noisy neighbourhood sex.  It’s obviously that time of the year.  The magpies are swooping to chase off anyone approaching their nest and two kookaburras have decided to do their courting in the large gum tree opposite our house.  They aren’t half noisy with their courting. 

They are quite a large bird with an even larger beak.

I’ll be pleased when all this local wildlife is too busy raising a family to think of sex. Smile

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