Slow Post

Can I start by thanking my readers who sent a comment advising they could see the blog photos.  Yesterday I could only see them if I used Google Chrome, but today is a whole new day and i’m back to seeing them in my usual browser.  I don’t know what happened; but everything is now right.  Dave the ‘little thief’ hasn’t returned to steal more fruit!

The title of today’s blog post is “Slow Post” and it has nothing to do with the blog.  Back in March, when I was planning to do another outback trip, I ordered three metal whistles from China for the grand price of $6.  Then COVID came and the trip was deferred until 2021.  The whistles never arrived.  Well actually they did arrive…. Today!  Eight months after I ordered them.  One can only wonder what route they took?  Well I know they came by air via Singapore and can only assume Australia Post “lost” the small package.  Why did I want the whistles?  When you’re geographically embarrassed out in the hot and dry desert you rapidly discover you quickly lose your voice calling out for help.  the sound of a whistle travels much further and uses significantly less energy. 

Today I sat at my desk and made three neck lanyards from some recycled paracord.


Then I played experimented with some of the coloured paracord making a key fob.  Jan has decided to use it for the key to the french doors.

In less than 50 days I’ll reach the big 70.  Never thought I’d make it this far.  The bucket list is still quite long and one of this items on it is learning to fly.  I’ve decided to do it before falling off my perch.  Every pilot probably starts their flying career on fixed wing aircraft but I’ve decided to take the rotary route.  I’ve flown in the back of a number of helicopters and it didn’t look that complicated.  Jan has even agreed to allow me to purchase my own.  Why leave the money for the kids!

There was a knock at the front door this morning and as Jan was stuck in her electric recliner chair I got the call to answer the door.  The courier had already departed but he had left an orange parcel.


Whatever the contents were they were well protected with foam wrapping.


To my surprise inside was my aircraft.


I’ll probably be boring you silly with my flight training experiences.

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