Jan mentioned I must have been tired when I wrote the last blog post as it’s riddled with errors. Yes, I was tired!
The more positive news is I worked out how the disassemble and clean the two Daiwa surf casting reels.
The 40 year old grease was almost solid, but that has now been rectified. I don’t intend to be around in 40 years so the next change will be someone else’s problem.
Whilst both reels are Daiwa 7000 models the silver one has roller bearing whilst the black has nylon bushes.
I can’t left Philip’s passing go bye without mentioning a couple of humorous incidents. The year was 1958 and my father was a NZ Army officer attending the British Army Staff College. The Queen and Prince Philip made an evening visit to the college where drinks and hors d'oeuvre were served. Philip had joined a small circle of officers which included my father and was enjoying himself immensely conversing with men of his own experience. Over his shoulder, on the other side of the room, my father could see the Queen who was starting to look rather bored. She had done her duty and obviously wanted to leave. Her equerry came over to Philip and quietly mentioned “I believe her majesty would like to leave Sir!” To which Philip loudly replied “Yes Please! I will have another gin and tonic”
On one of his early visits to Australia Philip was informed by the immigration official that he would be treated no differently to any other arrival. Quite rightly, as Australia is an egalitarian country. Philip was then asked “Any criminal convictions?” To which he replied “I didn’t realise it was still a requirement!”
Now to the photo below. I believe it is a compilation of statues where Hercules is attempting to give his cat a pill.
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