Mexican Comment

Reader you will know the Mexicans live south of the border.  And so it is with my friend Ken, who also lives south of the border.  He made a comment about my recent FG Fishing Knot jig.  This one…..


His point was the jig was too big to take fishing.  Of course I denied this… but sadly (for me) he is probably correct.  His homemade two pole jig is far more portable than my three pole.

Today I did something about that cutting the base of my jig longitudinally and then connecting to two halves using hinges.  I also made a small storage rack for the poles.


My jig is now smaller than his Smile

Meanwhile the postman delivered another package this morning.  It’s a 240V AC to DC converter.


This is going to be my next project.  The video front doorbell is very good.


It plays tunes; has a motion detector and pushes calls to the phone enabling us to answer the door even when we are not at home.  It records video and has facial recognition capability.  The major weakness is it is battery powered and very energy hungry.  I’ve decided to modify it and supply power from the house 240V using the converter.

Here in the west we are back to wearing facemasks and watching our social distancing.  Movement is for essential purposes only.  Only three days at this time; however that could change.  At least two COVID infected residents have returned from interstate and they have the more contagious Delta variant.   The situation is worse in NSW, which has resulted in a rush to get vaccinated.  A number of these people are going to be disappointed as Australia has limited supplies of Pfizer and the AstraZeneca is only being given to those over 60.  I think it is finally starting to dawn on people that COVID is going to be here forever.

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