COVID-19 coronavirus: Circuit breaker 4-day lockdown Perth and Peel frequently asked questions

Find answers to your questions about the Circuit breaker 4-day lockdown for Perth and Peel.
Last updated: 30 June 2021 at 1:50pm

Perth and Peel will enter a minimum 4-day lockdown from 12.01am, Tuesday 29 June, 2021 until 12.01am, Saturday 3 July, 2021.

Travel from Perth and Peel to other regions will not be permitted, unless for essential purposes.

Can I leave my home?

You are required to stay home unless you need to:

  • work because you are an essential worker and it is not reasonably practicable to work from home. Refer to list of essential workers;
  • shop for essentials like groceries, medicine and necessary supplies, including click and collect, within 5km of your home or from the closest practicable location;
  • attend to medical or health care needs;
  • leave for care or compassionate reasons, including looking after the vulnerable, or donate blood or plasma;
  • exercise with a maximum of two adults from the same household (children under 18 years are not counted), limited to one hour per day within a 5km radius from home, and masks must be worn (except for vigorous exercise);
  • receive a COVID-19 vaccine; or
  • leave due to an emergency (e.g. emergencies, fleeing domestic violence).

Do I have to wear a mask?


Masks are mandatory:

  • indoors
  • outdoor areas (except for vigorous exercise)
  • and on public transport.

Anyone who has travelled outside of the Perth metropolitan area and Peel region since Sunday, 27 June 2021 must continue to wear face masks in public.

Regular exemptions apply, including if you:

  • are a primary school student
  • have a physical, developmental or mental illness, injury, condition or disability which makes wearing a mask unsuitable 
  • are running or jogging or otherwise engaged in some form of strenuous or vigorous outdoor exercise or physical activity
  • are engaged in an activity involving swimming
  • are communicating with a person who is deaf or hard of hearing and visibility of the mouth is essential for communication
  • need to temporarily remove your mask to enable another person to appropriately perform their occupation
  • are engaging in work or activity in which clear enunciation or visibility of the mouth is essential
  • are travelling in a private motor vehicle alone, or with others from your household
  • are consuming food, drink or medicine
  • are undergoing medical or dental related care or treatment that requires no mask to be worn
  • are asked to remove your mask for the purpose of ascertaining your identity
  • are required not to wear a mask for emergency purposes
  • are working in the absence of others in an enclosed indoor space
  • are directed by a judicial officer or tribunal member in court or tribunal proceedings to remove your mask to ensure proper conduct of proceedings
  • are otherwise required or authorised by law not to wear a mask, or
  • cannot wear a mask because it is unsafe to do so in all the circumstances.

Can I travel within Western Australia?

WA’s intrastate border is in place for the Perth and Peel regions.

Travel is only permitted to other regions for exempt reasons only, including:

  • Obtaining or providing essential goods or services that cannot be accessed in your region
  • Working if you are an essential worker
  • For specific care, medical reasons and compassionate reasons
  • Leaving for an emergency purpose.

Travel restrictions to remote Aboriginal communities are still in place in WA.

I have an essential reason to leave Perth and Peel, what restrictions apply?

If you have been in the Perth and Peel region at any time since Sunday, 27 June 2021 and leave to go to another region after 12.01am Tuesday, 29 June the lockdown restrictions still apply to you.

If you were in Perth or Peel at any time on Sunday 27 or Monday 28 June 2021 but left before Tuesday 29 June, you need to wear a mask indoors, on public transport and outdoors where you can’t physically distance. You will not need to comply with lockdown requirements.

I have an essential reason to enter Perth and Peel from another region, what restrictions apply?

If you enter the Perth and Peel region, the lockdown restrictions still apply to you. You must also abide by lockdown restrictions if you return to your region.

Do the travel restrictions for Perth and Peel apply to boats?

Yes. Only essential travel is permitted in and out of Perth and Peel currently, including by water. When leaving Perth and Peel with an exemption, people must continue to wear a mask and abide by the lockdown rules even when they are in another region.

Where in WA is the lockdown in effect?

The Perth region, Peel region and Rottnest Island.

Can I have visitors at home?

Visitors to the home are only permitted for limited and specific reasons including:

  • essential services
  • critical maintenance
  • caregiving
  • compassionate grounds
  • in an emergency

Can I leave home to exercise with my kids and my partner or is this limited to two people?

Yes. You can leave your home to exercise outdoors with a group from your household, provided that there’s no more than two adults. Children under 18 are not included in the two person limit.

You can only exercise within a 5km radius of your home and for no more than 1 hour per day.

What’s the advice for people who have visited exposure locations?

Refer to the Locations visited by confirmed cases page for this information.

If you have been to an exposure site during the nominated exposure period you need to get tested and quarantine as per the instructions you receive.  

Can cafés, restaurants or venues have patrons?

No. Only takeaway service is permitted.

Can my hairdressing or beauty salon continue operating?


Can retail remain open?

Only essential providers may open. Click-and-collect and delivery is permitted for non-essential providers.

Can public venues such as swimming pools and recreation centres remain open?


Can fitness venues such as gyms and pilates, yoga and dance studios remain open?


Can casinos remain open?


Can nightclubs remain open?


Can non-emergency medical services like optometry and chiropractic services open?

Refer to the list of essential providers. Non-emergency but urgent surgery, procedures and medical consulting can go ahead, where failure to do so could result in loss of life, permanent disability or create an increased risk of loss of life or permanent disability.

Are schools open?

Yes, except for the three schools that have been directly impacted as they are a listed exposure site. Mask wearing requirements apply. Primary school students are not required to wear a mask.

Can childcare centres remain open?


Can boarding schools remain open?


Can universities, TAFEs or training colleges open?

No. Universities, TAFE and training colleges are closed.

Can places of worship remain open?


Are gatherings, functions and events allowed?

Restrictions apply. See below.

  • Private indoor and outdoor gatherings: Not permitted.
  • Weddings:  5 people permitted at weddings (including the persons being married and the celebrant)
  • Funerals: 10 people permitted at funerals, plus persons necessary to conduct the funeral.
  • Community sport: Not permitted.
  • Events and functions: Not permitted.
  • Stadiums: Closed.

Can I visit aged care or disability care facilities?

No visitors to residential aged care and/or disability facilities are permitted, except for exceptional circumstances such as essential care, compassionate reasons, end of life and advocacy.

Can I visit people in hospital?

No visitors to hospitals are permitted except for compassionate reasons, end of life, accompanying a child, supporting a partner giving birth.

Are contact registers still required?

Yes. Using the SafeWA and maintaining physical contact registers remain mandatory and are pivotal in limiting the spread.

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