Inserting Videos into Open Live Writer

Well I’ve finally worked out a method of inserting video files into Open Live Writer (OLW) and publishing them to Blogger.

The steps are

1.  Upload the video to You Tube

2.  View the video in You Tube and copy the link address in the Address Bar

video 1

3.  In OLW select ‘Insert’ from the menu bar and then ‘Video’.  Select the “From the Web” option.

4.  In the pop-up window paste the You Tube link into the address bar like my example below. 

video 2

5.  THIS IS THE IMPORTANT STEP.   Edit the address by removing the ‘s’ in https so it now looks like the following.

video 3

You now have a grey box and there is no preview.  However if you click the Insert button the video will be inserted into OLW.  You won’t see it although you may see the text “Enter video caption here” which actually appears beneath the video (which you can’t see)

video 4

The video will appear when the draft is posted to Blogger from OLW.

You should see the You Tube video from my last post below using the above instructions

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