
After all the recent cold weather and rain yesterday was a scorcher.  Unfortunately I had a few outdoor tasks which needed to be undertaken.  My brother-in-law had kindly loaned me his 6x4 trailer for the day and I headed off early with it to the Limestone Building Block Company in Wangara where I purchased 15 reconstituted limestone blocks which I intend to use of a low retaining wall beside the driveway.  The block wall will replace the existing retaining wall made from old timber railway sleepers which have mostly rotted away.

Whilst I had the trailer I also visited OxWorks in Wangara where I collected the additional length of fencing panel and a couple of aluminium fence posts.  These are required to complete the pool fencing.  finally, I took the trailer to the nearest hardware store where I purchased seven length of pvc pipe which will be used to reinstate the rear lawn water reticulation system.

Once everything was unloaded I decided being retired allowed me to finish for the day and disappear inside the house where Jan had the air conditioning units running.  Plenty of sunlight means plenty of solar generated electricity so the air conditioning was free.

The temperature today wasn’t much of an improvement on yesterday which meant I confined myself to early work only.  The last of the temporary fencing was removed from the pool surrounds before I strung a couple of string lines and dug a hole for the final fence post.  Once the post was plumbed I backfilled the hole with dry rapid hardening concrete before checking the final alignment and then pouring a bucket of water on top.


An hour later the concrete had set enough for me to remove the string lines.  It’s now too darned hot to fit the panels.  Well it’s probably not too hot; but I’m retired so it can wait until tomorrow.  Jan just needs to keep Molly inside to prevent her (Molly) from going for a swim Smile

The pool limestone pavers are being delivered tomorrow afternoon.  No doubt the delivery truck will leave the pallets on the front lawn which means I’ll have to make multiple trips with the wheelbarrow to stack them around the back beside the pool.  A cool day would be nice!

I assume you have seen people not wearing face masks, wearing them incorrectly, wearing an ineffective mask.  This might explain the strategy behind facemasks.


It’s now 227 days since the last case of COVID community transmission here in West Australia.  The state border is about to be opened to NSW and Victoria with 17,000 people applying to enter West Australia from these two states.  Travellers are being told they will need to self isolated for 14 days in an appropriate location upon arrival.  Politicians must be living in fairyland if they think all 17,000 will do this.  Moreover, if they stay with relatives/friends, etc are those people going to self isolate?  I suspect not!  The current State government has a 90% approval rating for their handling of the pandemic.  That could evaporate overnight if community transmission occurs.

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